Blaogin'i (foko) Blog Club

FBC : Rising Voices

club | 29 Janoary, 2008 11:43

Les FBCs vont continuer de plus belle. Je gardais un oeil sur mon email la veille de Noel, n’esperant pas grand chose, lorsqu’une grosse ruee d’adrenaline, le choc, la joie, la surprise, m’ont mise sur mon petit derriere rembourre avant l’heure. Car en guise de cadeau de Noel, David Sasaki de Rising Voices, distingue FOKO parmi les 63 propositions de projets recues venant de 35 pays differents. Il offre a FOKO Madagascar sa confiance, une premiere reconnaissance pour notre labeur de blogueurs et la meilleure des recompenses : un grant Rising Voices qui va nous permettre de continuer nos FBCs, main dans la main avec les excellents Serasera d’Antananarivo.

Rising Voices motto says it all: “Helping the global population join the global conversation”.
Here at Foko, our goal is to facilitate as much as we can the many aspects of development in Madagascar. As you know, the core members of Foko have met mostly through their blogging activities. We all know too well how actively participating in the global conversation through digital media can have a major impact in our way of thinking and approach towards development and global awareness.
Joining the global conversation is critical on many levels. Firstly, it fosters the exchange of ideas with projects with similar goals such as the former and current rising voices grantees. Many creative ideas have been tested in different settings all over the world; learning from the rest of the world’s experiences can only help our project be more efficient in achieving our goals. Secondly, it allows Malagasy people to illustrate and directly share with the rest of the world their perspectives on issues that they’d know best. Thirdly, joining the global conversation will expand the network of people with similar interests nationally and internationally, connecting them and promoting positive collaborations.



 Inona moa io Rising Voices io ? Izy io dia fikambanana miara miasa an'ny Global Voices (fikambanana mpitoraka blaogy maneranan'ny tany) vaovao tamin'ity taona 2007 ity ary mizara bourse hoan'izay tay hamporisika miblaogy any @ tanana zay hita hoe ilaina. Ny mpandresy t@ Jiolay dia ny Colombia, Sierra Leone, Bengladesh, Bolivia sy India. Mba nanandrana ary ny FOKO hoan'ny FBC dia tena nahazo koa ! Tsy maintsy misoatra an'ny mamana sy ny mpitoraka bloagy izay nanampy an'ny FOKO rehetra izahay amin'izao andro fety BE zao. Mety ho be dia be mihitsiny zavam-bita amin'ity taona 2008 ity ary manantena aho fa ho maro kokoa ny mpanjay anjara amin'ny FBC na aminy chat, blaogy na ao @ Teknet. Efa manomboka miasa mafy izahay FOKO sy Namana Serasera hanambeazana an'io FBC io. Fa ny tena vaovao dia ny projet hoan'ny ankizy ! Satria efa miara miasa an'ny Lions Club ny FOKO dia efa vonona hampiditra solosaina sy hanome fampienarana informatika any. Mety misy mahita hoe kely na hoe tsotsotra ny zavam-bita tamin'ity taona ity nefa amin'ny arany sosialy dia be dia be ny zavatra vaovao nianarako. Tsy nihevitra mihitsiny aho hoe hafantatra olona be dia be sy vonona hanampy be na any Madagascar na aty ivelany.

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